What are Some of the Newest Teaching Methods for Students with AD/HD?

The teaching methods for students with AD/HD change and advance continuously. Students who have been diagnosed with AD/HD face several challenges in school because they have difficulty maintaining their focus, sitting still and concentrating. All of these things are what the standard teacher expects their student to do while they are in class. Needless to say, it can be very frustrating to work with students who exhibit the trademark symptoms of AD/HD, no matter how severe the disorder is.

Teachers must work much harder to teach material and often deal with classroom disruptions or extreme moods. While it is challenging, new teaching methods and strategies can help teachers deliver material more effectively. Here is some background on how the disorder works and some of the newest methods that teachers, who specialize in teaching ADHD students, use.

Understanding How ADHD Works

Anyone who has taught in a classroom with a child with ADHD knows firsthand how difficult it can be for that child to focus. If you have seen the child playing video games or doing something else, it may surprise you that they are able to focus intently. This is referred to as hyperfocusing, and it is very common in child with ADHD. The disorder does not necessarily make it impossible for a child to pay attention, but it does affect the child’s ability to decide what he or she pays attention to. Medication works with the neurotransmitters of the brain to control impulses and help with focus, but some teaching methods can do a lot to help students focus on what they are doing.

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Hold Attention With Exciting and Innovative Intuitive Learning Lesson Plans

A student with ADHD needs to do more than just hear a teacher speak when teaching a lesson. One of the most effective teaching strategies is to mix things up with illustrations, guest speakers, interesting statistics, experiments, relevant movies and anything else that will keep the child’s attention. Movement therapies encourage students to stay moving while they exercise their brain power. Mixing up the content and the curriculum creates intuitive learning. According to researchers who published their studies in Applied Cognitive Psychology, this type of intuitive learning has been much more effective in keeping students engaged and helping them retain the material as well.

Improve the Students Behavior with Self-Monitoring

Children with ADHD can benefit from building close emotional relationships with their teachers and other peers. If a student hears reassuring comments rather than negative commentary, they are much more likely to respond and work on areas that need improvement. Another new method that many teachers are trying is referred to as self-monitoring. This method allows the student to participate in developing the teaching plan so that they can improve their behavior and their academics.

When a student self monitors, the teacher or development specialist will provide a rating of their behavior and specific areas for improvement. Once the student knows their rating and areas for improvement, they will begin to use a rating scale to rate themselves. They can identify different distractions or factors that can affect their behavior as well. This strategy helps them be accountable and take ownership.

New therapies and programs are continuously being tested. In addition, emotional support is crucial for children to develop their self-esteem, which keeps them wanting to learn more. As research continues, teachers will have new and effective teaching methods for supporting students with ADHD.