Master’s in Special Education Degree Programs in Pennsylvania

Students hoping to pursue a Master’s in Special Education Degree Programs in Pennsylvania will find several highly respected options. Pennsylvania is the home to many accredited colleges and universities, many of which offer degree programs in the field of special needs.

A Master’s in Special Education is an important step in becoming an intervention specialist or special education teacher. Those in the field of special needs can choose to work with toddlers and preschoolers, or they can work with elementary or high school aged children. Special needs educators can work with a variety of severities as well, from mild disabilities like motor skills deficits or speech delays, to more severe disabilities such as hearing loss or autism.

The following colleges and universities offer accredited and high-quality master’s degree programs in the field of special education.

California University of Pennsylvania

Department of Childhood Education

The Department of Childhood Education at California University of Pennsylvania has several programs designed to prepare future teachers for the rigors of today’s educational field. With both campus-based and online programs, the university’s programs are flexible and accommodating for busy professionals, while also having programs available for those just entering the teaching field.

Master of Education: Mentally/Physically Handicapped Education

This master’s degree program is designed for students who already hold a valid licence or certification in elementary or secondary education. Program participants can choose from three specializations: Preschool-8th grade, autism spectrum disorders or secondary education. To earn the master’s of education, it is 33 credits, while earning the certification only involves completing 27 credits. For those without a valid teaching license, 63 credit hours are required for graduation.


The Master of Education: Mentally/Physically Handicapped Education program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children.


California University of Pennsylvania
Department of Childhood Education
250 University Ave.
California, PA 15419
[email protected]

Chestnut Hill College

The Division of Teacher Education and Leadership

The Division of Teacher Education and Leadership at Chestnut Hill College provides students with a strong liberal arts education with specific training in child development, curriculum and leadership. In addition, students receive extensive fieldwork experience. The mission of the university’s education deparmtnet is “Preparing competent, caring and culturally responsive educators and leaders for 21st century learners.”

M.Ed. with a Certification in Special Education, PreK-8

This degree program prepares students for careers teaching in both the general elementary school classroom, as well as in preschool and elementary school classrooms that have special needs students. Both first time and experienced teachers can apply for the program, although the first time candidates may have to complete prerequisite courses prior to beginning the master’s degree program.

M.Ed. with a Certification in Special Education, 7-12

This program is designed for future teachers who would like to work with junior high and high school students with mild, moderate or severe special needs. Students will learn both educational strategies and strategies for helping students transition from high school with an IEP to a vocational school, trade school, college or other appropriate post-secondary setting.


Chestnut Hill College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The education program is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.


Chestnut Hill College
Division of Teacher Education and Leadership
9601 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19118
(215) 248-7001Call: (215) 248-7001
[email protected]

Duquesne University

School of Education

The School of Education at Duquesne University is known for its unique programs and rigor. In 2013, a graduate student from the doctoral program in school psychology won the APA 2007 Dissertation of the Year award, demonstrating the level of rigor that is expected of all students in the program. The department offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate level programs, including English as a Second Lanugage, Middle Level (4-8) Education, Reading and Language Arts and Early Level (PreK-4).

M.S.Ed. Special Education-Cognitive, Behavior, Physical/Health Disabilities

This program is designed for those who are looking to add the special education certification (CBP/HD) to their current teaching license. All applicants to the program must have an Instructional I certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This program meets requirements for teaching preschool through 12th grades with students who have cognitive, behavior, physical and health disabilities. Program participants can also add an additional autism certification to their degree as well.

M.S.Ed. Special Education-Special Education – Community and Special Education Support (CSES)

This 36 credit hour program trains students to work in community and special education support services both inside and outside schools. Other than school settings, program graduates may be qualified to work in direct care, advocacy, health maintenance, intensive case managmenet or independent support coordination environments.


The special education programs at Duquesne are accredited by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The university also holds accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


Duquesne University
School of Education
600 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
(412) 396-6000Call: (412) 396-6000
[email protected]

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East Stroudsburg University

Special Education and Rehabilitation

The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at East Stroudsburg University offers a highly respected program that is fully accredited and is approved by the Pennsylvania Board of Education. But more important than that, the program also offers students several unique opportunities not found anywhere else. Students are eligible for membership and to take on leadership roles in the Council for Exceptional Children. They can also gain membership to the Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta honor fraternity and the Rehabilitation Services Student Organization. Finally, students can participate in the Best Buddies program where they can make a difference in the lives of children who have a special needs diagnosis even before the students have completed their degree programs.

Master of Education in Special Education with Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration

Students in the Master of Education in Special Education program have the option of adding the Applied Behavior Analysis concentration. The ABA certification increases employability by helping the student become qualified to work one-on-one with students who have developmental disabilties, using one of the only treatment modalities approved by insurance companies for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders.


East Stroudsburg University is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The education programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and are approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.


East Stroudsburg University
Special Education & Rehabilitation
Stroud Hall 105
200 Prospect Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
(570) 422-3781
[email protected]

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Department of Counseling, School Psychology and Special Education

The Department of Counseling, School Psychology, and Special Education offers programs in rehabilitation counseling, community counseling, art therapy, autism, school psychology and special education. The department strives to provide an intellectually challenging program that focuses on leadership, scholarship, research and service.

MEd in Special Education

The MEd in Special Education program is designed to meet all Pennsylvania Department of Education Special Education guidelines. There are 36 credit hours required, which can be completed online. In addition, there is a one-week on-campus residency that occurs during the summer of the first year in the program.


This program is accredited by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is approved by the Council for Exceptional Children.


Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of Counseling, School Psychology & Special Education
118 Butterfield Hall
Edinboro, PA 16444
(814) 732-2287Call: (814) 732-2287
[email protected]

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Department of Education & Special Education

The Education & Special Education at Mansfield University focuses on leadership in action and forming teachers who are leaders in their classrooms, their schools and their communities. The department offers undergraduate programs in early childhood education, elementary education, special educaiton and secondary education. In the graduate department, there are concentrations on special education, children’s literature and reading specialist certification.

Master of Education (M.Ed), Special Education

The Master of Education (M.Ed), Special Education program is designed to train future teachers to work in preschool through 12th grade with children who have mild, moderate or profound special needs. The program focuses on educational leadership and making a difference, with hands-on experience available for every program participant. Students also participate in extensive research opportunities, and even partner with local school districts.


All of the educational programs at Mansfield University are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. In addition, the special education program has been approved by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.


Mansfield University
Department of Education and Special Education
202 Retan Center
Mansfield, PA 16933
(570) 662-4024Call: (570) 662-4024
[email protected]

Marywood University

Education Department

The Education Department at Marywood University offers several options for those wishing to pursue a degree in special education. Undergraduates can specialize early childhood special education or elementary special education. Those in the graduate program can focus on special education or administration and supervision in special education.

M.S. in Special Education

The Master of Science in Special Education is designed for those who already hold a valid teaching license. This program qualifies graduates to teach in a PreK-8 setting with those who have mild, moderate or severe disabilities. Students will take courses in behavior management, universal design, remedial techniques and reading disabilties.


The special education program at Marywood University is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.


Marywood University
Education Department
McGowan Center
2300 Adams Ave.
Scranton, PA 18509
(570) 348-6289Call: (570) 348-6289
[email protected]

Millersville University of Pennsylvania

School of Education

The school of Education at Millersville University of Pennsylvania is home to five separate departments: Applied Engineering, Safety and Technology, Educational Foundations, Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Psychology and Wellness and Sport Sciences. The department also hosts an annual series of free luncheons, panel discussions and conferences as part of their Education on Location series as part of their effort to open up discussions on national issues in the field of education.

Special Education PreK-8 Certification and M.Ed. in Special Education

The Special Education PreK-8 Certification and M.Ed. in Special Education program offers two concentrations: limited supports (mild/moderate) and extensive supports (multiple disabilities). Students in either concentration will be expected to take courses on the social foundations of education, developmental psychology, human growth and development, behavior management, teaching technology and assessment strategies, in addition to field research and a clinical practicum.

Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Special Education – PreK-8

This program is available for students who already have an existing Instructional I certificate in early childhood, elementary or middle level education, or a certification as a reading specialist. This certification allows students to teach in preschool through eighth grade with students who have been diagnosed with a variety of special needs.

Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Special Education Supervision

For current teachers who would like to assume a leadership role in their school or department, a Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Special Education Supervision program is available. Students in this program may also concurrently complete degree requirements for a master’s degree. Prior to earning certification, a specialty test in the area of certification is required.


The School of Education at Millersville University is accredited by NCATE. In addition, the School of Education is a member of the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU), The American Council on Education (ACE), the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (PAC-TE) and the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME).


Millersville University
School of Education
PO Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551-0302
(717) 872-3011
[email protected]

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

College of Education

The College of Education at Slippery Rock University offers cutting edge technology and state-of-the-art teaching labs in order to prepare tomorrow’s teachers for the challenges of teaching. Specialized labs include the Center for Literacy Around the World, laboratories in science, mathematics, and social studies classroom education, the Multicultural Heritage Center, a Student Resource Room and the Hickory Corners Schoolhouse, a one room schoolhouse used to teach historically accurate lessons.

MEd Master Teacher Program (B-8)

The MEd Master Teacher Program (B-8) is an exclusively online program taught by leaders in the field of special education. The program is designed to be completed in one year for those who already hold valid teaching certificates. This program is designed for those who would like to work with children from birth to 8th grade.

MEd Master Teacher Program (7-12)

Like the B-8 program, this program is taught exclusively online and can be completed in one year. This program is for individuals who would like to teach in a junior high or high school setting.

MEd Supervisor Program

This online program is designed for those who would like to become a school leader in the field of special education. This one year program also requires a practicum. This practicum can be completed at the student’s current workplace or at any local school.

MEd Autism Program & Endorsement

This highly specialized program can be completed online by professors with expertise in Applied Behavior Analysis and autism spectrum disorders. For those who only wish to add the autism endorsement to a current license without pursuing a master’s degree, Slippery Rock offers an online 12 credit hour program.


The special education program at Slippery Rock University is accredited by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (CEC) and has approval from the Council for Exceptional Children and the PA Department of Education.


Slippery Rock University
The Jack C. Dinger Special Education Building and the Special Education Annex
1 Morrow Way
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
(724) 738-2614
[email protected]

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The Pennsylvania State University

College of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

The College of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education at Penn State University offers several undergraduate and graduate level programs, in addition to certificate programs, conferences, and workshops. The department also hosts an Outreach and Cooperative Extension, Evidence-Based Practices for Inclusive Classrooms and Differentiating Instruction (EPIC) conference, a Literacy Instruction for Autism conference and continuing education opportunities.

Master’s of Education in Special Education

This program is designed for both certified teachers and those seeking an initial teaching license. Certified teachers will be required to take 30 credit hours and those seeking an initial license will be required to take approximately 60 credit hours. All students must complete a practicum and a thesis.

Master’s of Science in Special Education

This program differs from the M.Ed. program in that it is strongly oriented towards research rather than the development of teaching skills. The M.S. program is designed to be a stepping stone towards a doctorate in special education. Students must complete 24 credit hours, a comprehensive examination and a master’s thesis.


The Pennsylvania State University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The special education program has approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.


The Pennsylvania State University
School of Education
125D CEDAR Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865-6643
[email protected]

West Chester University

College of Education’s Special Education Department

The Special Education Department in the College of Education attempts to synthesize self-knowledge and general knowledge of the foundations of the study of disabilities and the learner who has been diagnosed with disabilities, as well as the knowledge of effective classroom pedagogy. The goal of the program is to train teachers who are able to make sound, ethical educational decisions for their special needs students.

M.Ed. in Special Education

The M.Ed. in Special Education program can be completed in several ways, including online, in a traditional campus-based classroom and through a blended program with the Philadelphia Multi-University Center. Program participants can also earn an additional certification in autism studies. All students in the program have the opportunity to participate in the Best Buddies program, allowing students to make a difference in the lives of local children with disabilities.


The special education program at West Chester University is accredited by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is approved by the Pennsylvania State Department of Education and the Council for Exceptional Children.


West Chester University
Special Education Office
304 Recitation Hall
West Chester, PA 19383
(610) 436-2579
[email protected]

The field of special education can be a challenging, yet very rewarding, area to pursue a career in. Special education teachers require specialized training in order to keep up with the quickly changing information on the best practices in the field. There are several options for Master’s in Special Education Degree Programs in Pennsylvania to help Pennsylvania teachers become prepared for careers in the field of special education.